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FundRock at the Singapore Roadshow to Luxembourg

19 June 2017

The capital markets activity in Asia Pacific has grown significantly in the past few years with Asia becoming a major contributor to ultra high networth investors globally. With Asia's middle income class earners due to increase, Asia is expected to play an increasing role in the Asset & Wealth Management industry. Against this backdrop, Singapore has emerged as a leading and innovative asset management centre in Asia Pacific demonstrated by the intended introduction of the Singapore Variable Capital Company (S-VACC) fund form, its latest fund innovation. FundRock joins forces with MAS, PwC Singapore and Standard Chartered Bank in a roadshow to Europe focused on S-VACC. The Luxembourg seminar will be kindly hosted by the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) We kindly invite you to join this roadshow event where you can learn more about Singapore's value proposition as an asset management centre, the upcoming introduction of the S-VACC and a dialogue with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Highlights of the event program include: Singapore asset management - state of the industry (by PwC Singapore) Highlights of the S-VACC, how it compares to other fund vehicles in other jurisdictions and how it can bridge the continents of Europe and Asia (by PwC Singapore) Operational and service providers involved with S-VaCC (by Standard Chartered Bank) Governance framework for S-VACC (by FundRock Management Company S.A.) Dialogue between the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the CSSF (by ALFI) Find out more about this event


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