Resolution Capital Global Property Securities PIE Fund

The Fund invests primarily in REITs and real estate securities that are listed, or soon to be listed, on stock exchanges around the world and will also have some exposure to cash. The Fund aims to provide income and some capital growth over the long-term.

Resolution Capital Limited is the Fund’s investment manager and is responsible for making recommendations and decisions about what the Fund invests in.  The Fund is invested in accordance with Resolution Capital’s investment philosophy and process. 

Resolution Capital is an active manager and believes that the ultimate driver of returns from real estate and infrastructure securities is the quality and level of sustainable cash earnings generated by the underlying assets. As a result, Resolution Capital’s investment process is focused on evaluating these cash-flows consistently across real estate and infrastructure sectors and regions. Resolution Capital believes that listed real estate and infrastructure provides an excellent means of gaining exposure to the returns of some of the world’s highest quality real estate and infrastructure assets.

The investment team has a strong track record of performance in listed real estate investment, with one of the longest track records in both the global and Australian REIT arenas. The team has considerable experience in real estate, with diverse backgrounds including real estate valuation, development, funds management, capital transactions, stock broking and economic research.

Investment Manager  

Resolution Capital Limited

Investment Policy and Objectives     

The Fund aims to achieve an annual total return that exceeds the total return of the Benchmark after fees on a rolling 3 year basis.

Investment Strategy   

The Fund invests primarily in REITs and real estate securities that are listed, or soon to be listed, on stock exchanges around the world and will also have some exposure to cash. The Fund aims to provide income and some capital growth over the long-term.


The benchmark of the Fund is the FTSE EPRA/Nareit Developed Index Net TRI (100% Hedged to NZ dollars).

DISCLAIMER: The Fund is available only to persons who are 'Wholesale Investors', as defined in clause 3(2) and 3(3)(a) of Schedule 1 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 ('FMCA') or to persons who are not otherwise required to receive disclosure under Part 3 of the FMCA. If you are a Wholesale Investor, as defined by the FMCA, the usual rules do not apply to offers of financial products made to you. As a result, you may not receive a complete and balanced set of information. You will also have fewer other legal protections for these investments. Ask questions, read all documents carefully, and seek independent financial advice before committing yourself

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