The Antipodes Global Fund (PIE) (the Fund) is one of three PIE-compliant New Zealand-domiciled funds within the Antipodes Investment Funds Scheme. FundRock NZ Ltd is the issuer and manager of the Fund, with investment management undertaken by Antipodes Partners Limited (Antipodes). The Fund is registered as an offer within a Managed Investment Scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is regulated by the FMA.
Antipodes, in conjunction with Pinnacle Investment Management (Pinnacle) promote and distribute the Fund to investors.
Investment Manager
Antipodes Partners Limited
Investment Policy and Objectives
The Fund aims to provide long and short investment exposure predominantly to a broad range of international shares listed on stock exchanges in developed and emerging markets.
The Fund aims to achieve absolute returns in excess of the MSCI All Country World Net Index in NZ dollars over the investment cycle (typically 3-5 years).
Investment Strategy
The Fund invests in the Antipodes Global Fund – UCITS (Underlying Fund) and cash or cash equivalent securities. The Underlying Fund’s investment exposure is predominantly to a broad range of international shares listed on stock exchanges in developed and emerging markets. Derivatives, including equity shorts and currency positions may be used where the Investment Manager sees attractive opportunities and also to offset specific unwanted portfolio risks and provide some protection from unexpectedly large movements in the value of the portfolio. Derivatives may also be used to amplify positions where the Investment Manager feels strongly about the return potential of an idea. In using derivatives, the Underlying Fund’s total gross exposure may be leveraged to a maximum of 200% of the Net Asset Value. The Underlying Fund’s net exposure will be within a range of 50% to 100% of its Net Asset Value.
Given the Fund’s broad mandate and wide range of tools available, its investment performance will depend, to a larger degree than traditional equity investment funds, on Antipodes’ skill in selecting, combining and implementing investment decisions.
These features mean that the Fund will not be appropriate for all investors.
MSCI All Country World Net Index in NZ dollars
Minimum Investment Timeframe
5 Years