MI Metropolis Valuefund - S Accumulation Shares - EUR

Objectives and Investment Policy

The Fund aims to achieve capital growth by investing mainly through a concentrated portfolio of global equities, typically consisting of up to 25 companies at any one time.

The Fund will mainly invest in listed companies from the European Economic Area (EEA), the United States or Canada.

When choosing investments, the Manager will seek to identify companies that meet specific criteria, such as those with a history of strong cash flow generation, a strong balance sheet and a strong competitive position.  In addition, the Manager will only invest in such companies when it considers them to be undervalued by the market.

The Fund may also hold other assets, including cash.

You can buy and sell shares on any business day in London.

Recommendation:  this Fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 5 years.

For full investment objectives and policy details please refer to the prospectus.

Price displayed in EUR cents.

Status of all data (unless otherwise stated): Friday, 31 January 2025





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Details: MI Metropolis Valuefund
Address: Hamilton Centre, Rodney Way, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3BY
Dealing and Enquiry: +44 (0)345 241 3565
Fax: +44 (0)845 280 0507

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