Aurora Liquidity Fund

Aurora Liquidity Fund, launched in 2022, is one of four funds offered by the Aurora KiwiSaver Scheme, established by Aurora Capital Limited whose investment philosophy is underpinned by the belief that it’s possible to make the world a better place through responsible investing.

The Fund is promoted and distributed by the Aurora Financial Group, who are licensed financial advice providers and offer financial advice to retail clients.

The Fund only invests in New Zealand dollar denominated investments.

Investment Manager

Aurora Capital  Ltd

Investment Policy and Objectives

To provide a gross return above the return of the Bloomberg NZBond Bank Bill Index on a rolling 12 month basis.

Investment Strategy Provides exposure to an actively managed portfolio of bank bills, floating rate notes and mainly short term deposits and securities, that targets capital security and liquidity. Environmental, Social and Governance characteristics are integrated into our investment process where applicable.


Aurora Capital Ltd selects the underlying funds and/or appoints investment managers.

Benchmark Bloomberg NZBond Bank Bill Index.

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