As a result of the implementation of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) boards are reconsidering their approach to risk management and oversight.

We believe the outsourcing of such risk management and oversight is the best solution to effectively satisfy AIFMD and UCITS.

We have an established track record, based on our current Risk and Principal Management clients, of providing Funds' boards with solutions that ensure regulatory compliance. Our team has a strong background in fund administration and hold board positions on private equity, property and equity funds.

We will consider a direct appointment in a risk management and oversight capacity, or we can provide a member of our team to assist the Risk Committee in relation to a specific fund.

We offer:

  • Assistance with the establishment of a risk reporting framework
  • Oversight and monitoring of key risk
  • Reporting services to boards, committees and risk management reporting officers
  • Assistance with AIFM / UCITS reporting obligations
  • Monitoring of compliance with investment limits and policy
  • Exposures, leverage and concentration risk analysis
  • Beta stress testing
  • Market risk analysis (including stress testing)
  • Commitment and notional risk approaches
  • Liquidity risk analysis (including liquidity stress testing)
  • Issuer and counterparty risk analysis
  • Operational risk analysis
  • Monitoring responsibilities and escalation procedures
Chris Hickling

Chris Hickling


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